Wednesday 26 August 2015

Cara Upgrade windows 10 dengan ISO file (Permananet Activation)

Masih seputar windows 10 , kini jufrikablog akan share kembali pengalaman bermain dengan PC yaitu CARA UPGRADE WINDOWS 10 dengan file ISO. cara ini bisa kamu lakukan jika kamu lakukan apabila kamu mempunyai ISO nya yang bisa kamu download di link di bawah ini

1 . Download File ISO ==> Download 32 Bit | 64 Bit (link nyusul)
2. Setelah itu untuk kamu pengguna windows 7 kamu perlu memburning nya ke DVD atau flasdisk terlebih dahulu lalu jalankan setup.exe
3. Untuk pengguna windows 8 / 8.1 update 1 kamu tinggal klik 2 kali file iso tersebut dan klik setup.exe
4. acceptkan saja term of usenya.
5. tunggu system kamu sedang di cek.(Sobat akan melihat jendela We’re getting a few things ready, lalu Making sure you’re ready to install)

5. lalu sobat pastikan koneksi internet sobat aman . ( jika mau permanent)
6. jika windows meminta download update sebelum upgrade maka pilih later saja . (nanti kalau uda sukses install juga di download otomatis soalnya)
7. Pada jendela Choose what to keep. pilih saja Keep Windows settings, personal files, and apps( biar ak repor repot install aplikasi lagi)
8. tiba opsi pilih uprade atau menu di bawah nya pilih saja upgrade .
9. tunggu kira kira sejam dua jam tergantung aplikasi kamu banyak apa gak dan
10. tara selamat kamu sudah berhasil upgrade windows 10.(ada tulisan Hi there, welcome back!”)
11. cek jika windows kamu suda teraktivasi dengan cara ketik slmr/xpr pada command promt (administrator).

Sekian dan terimakasih jika kesulitan bisa datang ke fb saya atau pin saya yang ada di ujung blog ini :D

Tuesday 25 August 2015

VB.NET :: Download Kumpulan Source code Game dari VB.NET

Basic Othello .NET
Othello .NET
Rewritten in VB .NET with GDI+. The graphics are generated on fly. I wrote it in short time and didn't carry alpha test properly. If you find some bugs, please notify me. Source code is included.
It is a well-known card game in Indonesia. The goal is to be the first to pass all cards in possesion. Only cards whose suit matched with the main-card on the board can be passed.
Sailing the Milky Way
Sailing the Milky Way
Featuring the basic concept of Japanese RPG game with two main screens: adventure and battle, with turn-based battle system. DirectSound is used to handle WAV and MIDI files.
Mandau Wings
Mandau Wings
Top-view shooting game with various enemies and weapons. The story starts when Mandau, a special air force unit, is given a mission to repel a group of mysterious life-forms.
Spooky Night in Java Land
Spooky Night in Java Land
Featuring simple fighting game concept, based on Reigendoushi (NES game). The protagonist here is Wiro Sableng, a character from a famous Indonesian novel with the same title written by Bastian Tito. I draw all characters by myself and it was really time-consuming.
Chaos in East Borneo
Chaos in East Borneo
Based on Vandal Heart (PSX) and Kamen-no-Ninja Hanamaru (NES) games. The game features conversation-based RPG and card-based battle system. The story follows a rookie member of Mandau, a secret agent abandoned by government for political reason.
Tom Adventure
Tom Adventure
Tom, an adventurer who seek for hidden treasures spread over the world, found an ancient land where jewelries are scattered on the surface. But along with the treasure, a grave danger from sleeping dragons and hungry mummies seems to accompanying his adventure to collect all jewelries
Mandau Wing Simulation
Mandau Wing Simulation
The event take place after Mandau Wing when all pilots are taking vacation to other galaxies. On their way home, they got caught in a mess. This time I used a lot of StretchBlt operation to produce distance-effect, so the game might run slow on old-generation computer.
For those who are curious on how to write a basic sudoku game.
A board game with elementary AI based on weighing position.
Slide Puzzle
Slide Puzzle
Written with VB 2008 using GDI+ features. Players can load their own photo to be used in this game (the expected photo ratio is 4:3).
Another variant of widely-spread breakout game
Memory Card
Memory Card
Classic card-pairing game.
The game was quite popular among the girls and many suggestions came from them. Several musics in this game were written by Jubing Kristianto, a famous classical-guitarist in Indonesia.
A standard tetris game to test rotation matrix (need some modification, though). The music in this game were written byJubing Kristianto, a famous classical-guitarist in Indonesia. Visit his website to hear some nice songs of his own arrangement.
Minesweeper .NET
Minesweeper .NET
Another lazy day. I decided to write Minesweeper in VB 2008. Some features are not available since I was too lazy to add it, but it should be enough for those who want to learn how to program minesweeper with VB in .NET framework and GDI+.
Memory Blink
Memory Blink
It is a horribly simple, yet challenging game. We introduced this game at a senior-high-school bazaar and invited students to beat this game, only to be surprised because not many who can beat this game within three run.
Rock Paper Scissor
Rock Paper Scissor
Rock-Paper-and-Scissor, need more explanation?

VB.NET :: source code game mantul-mantul dengan

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Drawing.Font
Imports System.Drawing.FontFamily
Public Class Form1
    Dim x, y, xe, ye As Integer
    Dim arahx, arahy As Integer
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        x = -100
        y = -100
        xe = 50
        ye = 50
        arahx = 1
        arahy = 1
    End Sub
    Private Sub Panel1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Panel1.Paint
        Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
        If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Aqua, x, y, 100, 50)
            g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Aqua, x, y, 100, 50)
        End If
        Dim a() As Point = {New Point(x, y), New Point(x + 50, y + 100), New Point(x + 100, y), New Point(x, y)}
        g.DrawLines(Pens.Red, a)
        Dim gp As GraphicsPath = New GraphicsPath(FillMode.Alternate)
        g.FillPath(Brushes.Blue, gp)
        g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Aqua, xe, ye, 50, 50)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Panel1_MouseClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Panel1.MouseClick
        x = e.X
        y = e.Y
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        xe += arahx
        ye += arahy
        If xe + 50 > Panel1.Width Then
            arahx *= -1
        End If
        If ye + 50 > Panel1.Height Then
            arahy *= -1
        End If
        If ye < 0 Then
            arahy *= -1
        End If
        If xe < 0 Then
            arahx *= -1
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    End Sub
End Class