Showing posts with label open cv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label open cv. Show all posts

Friday 24 April 2015

VB.NET :: Image or Video Object Tracking Using SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) On Visual Basic.Net 2012

  • Youtube user with id name “18F4550videos” at Tutorial 11: Object Detection and Tracking via SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) in Emgu CV).
  • Paper Reference :
Interface Project Image-Video Object Tracking Using SURF :
Interface Project Image-Video Object Tracking Using SURF
Interface Project Image-Video Object Tracking Using SURF
This few steps that must be done is as follows run the code :
  1. Install the “libemgucv-windows-universal-gpu-” on your computer.
  2. Make sure you have installed VS Visual Basic.Net 2012.
  3. Setting “. Net Framework Component” of the browse file “… \ bin \ Emgu.CV.UI.dll” according to where you extract the “libemgucv-windows-universal-gpu-”. Right Click “Components -> Choose Items.. -> Browse file … \ bin \ Emgu.CV.UI.dll -> Open -> Click OK” as shown below :
    Add .Net Framework Component Emgu.CV.UI.dll
    Add .Net Framework Component Emgu.CV.UI.dll
    to add “HistogramBox, ImageBox, MatrixBox and PanAndZoomPictureBox”.
  4. Copy all files *.dll from “.. \ bin \ x86″ to “C: \ Windows \ System32″ if you are using Windows 32-bit, “.. \ bin \ x64″ for Windows 64-bit.
  5. Setting Project Properties part 1, Add Reference : “Right Click Project SURF->Click Add Reference… -> Browse Folder “..\Emgu\bin -> Choose .dll file -> Click Add Button”, as shown below :
    Select The Files To Reference..
    Select The Files To Reference..
    Then select All file .dll EmguCV -> Right Click -> Click Properties -> Set “Copy Local” become “True”, as shown below :
    Select All File .dll EmguCV Then Click Properties
    Select All File .dll EmguCV Then Click Properties
    Setting Project Properties part 2, Add Existing Items : “Right Click Project SURF->Click Add -> Click Existing Item… -> Browse Folder “..\Emgu\bin\x86″ -> Select All Files (*.*) -> Choose all file *.dll opencv -> Click Add Button”, as shown below :
    Add Existing Item All Files *.dll OpenCV
    Add Existing Item All Files *.dll OpenCV
    Then select All file .dll OpenCV -> Right Click -> Click Properties -> Set “Copy to Output Directory” become “Copy always”, as shown below :
    Select All File .dll OpenCV Then Click Properties
    Select All File .dll OpenCV Then Click Properties
  6. Download the all code from <Here :>. Note : “After Download it, To Extract File (, You must Rename Extension *.doc to *.zip” :). (We re-write the code from video above and with little modified, so it’s can be running on VS VisualBasic.Net 2012).
  7. To running, Right Click Project SURF -> Click Clean, Then Click Rebuild (Wait This Moment) -> Click Debug -> Click Start New Instance. Enjoy Use This Code. :)
This first preview interface code when running (Image Object Tracking) :
Demos 1. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene
Demos 1. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene
This second preview interface code when running (Image Object Tracking) :
Demos 2. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene
Demos 2. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene
This third preview interface code when running (Video Object Tracking):
Demos 3. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Webcam Scene
Demos 3. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Webcam Scene
This fourth preview interface code when running (Video Object Tracking):
Demos 4. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Webcam Scene
Demos 4. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Webcam Scene
This fifth preview interface code when running (Video Object Tracking):
Demos 5. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Webcam Scene
Demos 5. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Webcam Scene
This sixth preview interface code when running (Image Object Tracking):
Demos 6. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene
Demos 6. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene
This seventh preview interface code when running (Image Object Tracking):
Demos 7. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene
Demos 7. Tracking And Find Sub-Image Object On Large Image Scene

OPEN CV :: OpenCVDotNet