Thursday, 26 January 2017

How to Install Google Chrome on Debian Wheezy

First step, please download the Google Chrome installer and customize with your linux distribution, in which case I download for 32 bit Debian Wheezy Distro. You can click this link to download
The results of the download will be saved by default in the folder Downloads.

After the download is complete, open a Terminal Please login as user root by way of typing su then enter Root password as shown below :

and go to the Download Folder by way of typing : cd Downloads/
Go on the installation with the command :

If when the installation process popped up error messages like the following "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration....." Please fix it by way of typing a command like the following picture:

After installation finish successfully, let's run/open the application Chrome by type on the desktop "Chrome" then will appear a Shortcut to Google Chrome then run it.

That is tutorial which i can share, thank you.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

How to configure Tool Graph on Mikrotik

Hotspot networks that we manage need to be monitored for a regularly, to ensure the conditions of our devices in good condition is fine. To monitor bandwidth usage by the client we can use the default tool from Miktrotik, i.e. a Graph.
The feature of this Graph we can access by using a web browser. How to enable the Tool Graph are as follows:

First open Winbox, Then select the menu Tools-Graphing as shown below :

by default this graph tool has yet to record any data. If accessed through a web browser it looks like this: 

Then we add in the setting of the parameters of what will be required. For example here I happen to be monitor interface ether 1 - ether 8 which is in Mikrotik devices, then in the settings interface I select All Interfaces

Then in the Menu Settings Graphing we set the duration of the recording/storage of the data we want, e.g. every 5 minutes.

If it is, we access more web browsers by type : http://[ip router]/graphs, For example : 

Then interface that we choose which we will be displayed.

For example monitor results of Graphing one interface (ether3): Because Graphs tool already has been configured, then the output results are still not optimally.
So, that tutorials which I can share. Thank you

Monday, 23 January 2017

How to run Flush DNS Cache automatically in Mikrotik

DNS cache function to store web addresses are accessed before. If the storage capacity of the cache is full, it will interfere with the performance of the network/device. For example, there are some web addresses suddenly inaccessible (the web not found) but if accessed by other internet connections can be accessed. To overcome these problems then the dns cache should be removed periodically. Mikrotik devices we could make some sort of schedule that serves to remove dns cache each time we specify. To create a schedule for these steps are as follows:
Open the winbox and make sure the time or date on mikrotik is in compliance with the current time.

Make a script that will run the dns cache removal process in mikrotik. Choose System >> Scripts

Now we try to run the script we have made is it true or not. 

If it is correct the next let's make schedule to run the script above is automatically according to the time which we have specified 

If the schedule removes dns cache was successfully executed automatically result will look like in the picture below
Before Flus DNS run

After Flush DNS run

On display are many dns cache that initially, but after a flush dns or dns cache deletion then the number of cache is reduced.

So this tutorial, thanks

How to configure automatic reboot in Mikrotik

The development of Hotspot (Wi-fi Area) it's been so rapidly and almost becomes a necessity for public places. This is so important it needs internet access for all people along with the development of gadgets.
In certain condition we often have problems due to possible router mikrotik continuous flame which resulted router mikrotik often hang due to have save a lot of memory history activity cause mikrotik resource resulting in cpu load 100%. from there, we need to set the automatic reboot scheduling mikrotik can we adjust the time accordingly we want, let's say every 24 hours, 48 hours or else
The steps are as follows:
first open winbox and make sure the time or date of the device our mikrotik is in compliance with the current. If it is appropriate.
If it is, make a schedule of when mikrotik it will reboot. Choose system - Scheduler
This schedule will run automatically at the time that we have specified, The steps to make schedule are :

and if the configurations are correct then the look of the log when the automatic reboot mikrotik like in the picture below:
So the tutorial on how the automatic reboot setting in Mikrotik. Thx

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Cara Install Wine 1.8 di Ubuntu 16.10


Rutinitas ini benar-benar membuat saya ga ada kesempatan untuk kembali ber-blogging ria. So, dimana ada secuil waktu yang senggang, saya coba untuk kembali ber-blogging lagi, seperti saat ini. Kali ini saya mencoba berbagi tutorial tentang bagaimana menginstall aplikasi Wine di Sistem Operasi Ubuntu 16.10. Sengaja saya coba install aplikasi wine karena kadang saya ingin memantau hotspot tempat kerja via Winbox. Sedangkan Winbox sendiri merupakan aplikasi yang dijalankan di Windows. Sebenarnya aplikasi yang sejenis dengan wine juga ada, cuman saya pengen yang GPL aj ☺
Mengintip di halaman wiki , Wine merupakan sebuah proyek yang bertujuan untuk membuat agar sistem operasi bertipe Unix (Unix-like) dan sistem X-Windows yang berjalan pada suatu komputer pribadi dapat menjalankan program yang khusus dibuat untukMicrosoft Windows
Nama "Wine" merupakan akronim dari Wine Is Not An Emulator (Wine bukanlah emulator) dan kadang disebut juga sebagai Windows Emulator. Walaupun nama ini juga muncul dalam bentuk "WINE" dan "wine", pengembang proyek ini telah menyepakati untuk melakukan standardisasi nama dan menyebutnya sebagai "Wine".
OK, untuk instalasinya saya menggunakan PPA dari Rico Tzschichholz sedangkan wine versi 1.8 . Berikut langkah-langkahnya :

Buka terminal dan ketikkan perintah : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/unstable

jangan lupa masukkan password rootnya
Jika berhasil akan tampak seperti tampilan berikut

kemudian lakukan update dengan cara berikut : sudo apt update

Jalankan perintah instalasi wine-nya dengan perintah : sudo apt install wine1.8

Jika proses instalasi berhasil dan silahkan buka aplikasi wine dengan cara mengetikkan di tombol Dash 

Silahkan lakukan pengaturan sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda

Disini saya akan mencoba menjalankan aplikasi Winbox via Wine yang sudah terinstall. Pertama kali menjalankan aplikasi winbox yaitu dengan cara berikut

Untuk menjalankan aplikasi winbox seterusnya tinggal double klik aj tanpa pengaturan seperti diatas lagi, maka aplikasi akan berjalan layaknya di Windows.

Keep blogging ☺

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Arduino Multiple Led Blinking

Assalamualaikum reader..

Dalam tutorial kali ini saya akan bereksperimen dengan arduino lagi dan melanjutkan tutorial sebelumnya yaitu Belajar Arduino Uno LED basic
Eksperimen kali ini saya dapatkan dari tutorial yang ada di internet dan saya tertarik untuk mencoba made it by myself. Yup.. masih tetep obyek eksperimennya berupa LED tapi kali ini jumlah LED nya adalah 3 buah. Hasil akhir dari eksperimen ini adalah membuat 3 buah LED tersebut blinking.
Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan adalah :
1. Arduino Uno board

2. LED (3 buah)

3. Kabel jumper

4. Breadboard

Pertama rangkailah bahan-bahan tadi seperti pada gambar berikut. 

Gambar rangkaian ini sebenarnya mau saya gambar menggunakan aplikasi namanya Fritzing, bisa anda download di internet. Cuman ketika saya coba install di laptop terdapat permasalahan (ada file system yang missing). Akhrnya saya terpaksa menggambar rangkaian ini menggunakan aplikasi yang online. Anda bisa mencobanya sendiri, salah satu websitenya adalah
Semua kaki negatif LED (kaki yang pendek) terhubung ke pin GND yang ada di Arduino. Sedangkan untuk kaki positif (kaki yang panjang) masing-masing LED terhubung ke pin 13 (D13), pin 12 (D12), pin 11 (D11). 

Kabel jumper warna hijau (lihat gambar skema) adalah kabel negatif yang terhubung ke pin GND, sedangkan kabel warna biru, orange dan kuning adalah kabel positif yang terhubung ke pin 13, pin 12 dan pin 11.