Monday 23 January 2017

How to run Flush DNS Cache automatically in Mikrotik

DNS cache function to store web addresses are accessed before. If the storage capacity of the cache is full, it will interfere with the performance of the network/device. For example, there are some web addresses suddenly inaccessible (the web not found) but if accessed by other internet connections can be accessed. To overcome these problems then the dns cache should be removed periodically. Mikrotik devices we could make some sort of schedule that serves to remove dns cache each time we specify. To create a schedule for these steps are as follows:
Open the winbox and make sure the time or date on mikrotik is in compliance with the current time.

Make a script that will run the dns cache removal process in mikrotik. Choose System >> Scripts

Now we try to run the script we have made is it true or not. 

If it is correct the next let's make schedule to run the script above is automatically according to the time which we have specified 

If the schedule removes dns cache was successfully executed automatically result will look like in the picture below
Before Flus DNS run

After Flush DNS run

On display are many dns cache that initially, but after a flush dns or dns cache deletion then the number of cache is reduced.

So this tutorial, thanks

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