Friday 24 April 2015

VB.NET :: Face Detection in VB.NET

Face Detection in VB.NET

Imports Emgu.CV
Imports Emgu.CV.Structure
Imports Emgu.Util
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'Load the image from file
Dim img As New Image(Of Bgr, Byte)("lena.jpg")
'Load the object detector
Dim objectToDetect As New HaarCascade("haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")
'Convert the image to Grayscale
Dim imgGray As Image(Of Gray, Byte) = img.Convert(Of Gray, Byte)()
For Each face As MCvAvgComp In imgGray.DetectHaarCascade(objectToDetect)(0)
img.Draw(face.rect, New Bgr(Color.White), 1)
'Show the image
End Sub
End Module

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